Q: I was having lunch before afternoon field service with a sister, and the subject came up about child molestation. She said her friend in the truth was molested for years by her father, who was an elder, as he also did her sister. They went to the elders but it was ignored. He also abused other young girls in the congregation, nothing was done until they had witnesses from other sisters that are in different congregations. He was finally disfellowshiped after years of complaints. The sister said that they had to clean up the circuit as there was a group of pedophiles in the congregations, including more elders.

I knew we had problems but I was shocked to hear how bad it was in some circuits. They never did anything about it until it went to court. It makes what was said on Dateline all the more believable. But as the sister said, many of the brothers and sisters don't believe this is happening as the organization tries to hush it up. That is why they didn't want to disfellowship brothers. She also said that they were told not to go to the police, that the elders would handle it, which they didn't and the molesters continued until it got so bad something had to be done.

I just find it so troubling that Jehovah has allowed this to go on for so long without the truth coming out so that there is no more denial or covering up. How many of his sheep and innocent children have gone through so much abuse, lost their faith and some self harm and have addictions. Their lives are destroyed, not to mention they are ostracized by others who just prefer to believe the abusers and call them liars, all because of the fault of the society.

What a mess, If this has happened in one circuit I can't imagine how bad it has been worldwide.  And this sister has never said a word against the organization, but she agreed it was terrible the way that the elders handled the abuse. . . Have you heard of this being such a problem in your area? I do know of the silent lambs, but I am just troubled that it is far worse than I thought.

A: I have received a number of letters on this matter, and yes, I am aware of some disturbing cases in my own area. It is totally understandable to be shocked, and subsequently get discouraged by the things that we see happening around us. What I find disturbing is that not more of our brothers and sisters are outraged by all of this, when they know of it.

These terrible things are happening in our midst, within God’s own house! In fact, it is happening among the entire association of our brothers and sisters in the world. (1 Peter 5:9, 10) The reason we haven't heard more about this is because the Society has been very competent, and for the most part successful, in covering it up. If they disfellowship the victims, then who will listen to their stories?! The Society is determined on perpetuating the illusion that, due to the "faithful and discreet slave" (the governing body), we are all basking in a "spiritual paradise," enjoying prosperity and safety within our congregations, under the loving care of elders who are said to be like a hiding place from the storm. (Isa. 32:2) But is that the reality? As the facts indicate, nothing could be further from the truth! But by this, at the very least, they acknowledge how things ought to be. As we have already come to understand, truth is not very high on their list of priorities. (2 Thess. 2:10-12) As you mentioned, in many cases it is the elders themselves who are the perpetrators of attacks against God's people. (Acts 20:29,30; 2 Peter 2:2,3) I have been made aware of instances where a number of elders found it necessary to cover, or protect, each other, for they had "dirt" on one another. In one case, when one of them was finally exposed (the presiding overseer by one of his mistresses who had discovered she was not his only one), the rest of the bunch went down with him (a total of 20 in a number of neighboring congregations, including elders, ministerial servants and pioneers). Some pretty shocking cases have come to light that make you wonder just how real Jehovah is to them. Don't they believe that God is seeing everything they do? Or is it a matter of just not caring? "The eyes of Jehovah are in every place, keeping watch upon the bad ones and the good ones." (Prov. 15:3)

A while ago I was talking about this with my younger brother. Since he is an elder, I asked him how it is in his congregation. He acknowledged that from time to time there are some problems, not only in his but also in all the other congregations he knows of. But he believes that it is being dealt with, along with those responsible for causing them. He does not believe that the Society would cover up any major wrongdoing, citing their policies, as explained in the letters that elders receive, such as how to deal with child abuse cases.

The Society makes use of high powered lawyers to protect themselves against lawsuits, brought by victims of abuse against elders and sometimes the Society itself. In this way the Society with its governing body ends up fighting against the victims, endeavoring to disprove or minimize any accusation of a sexual crime, while at the same time defending the abusers. That is absolutely shocking to Jehovah! Their lawyers have replaced God in their guidance. In one case I personally know of, five elders appeared in court as character witnesses on behalf of an elder who was being charged by a sister of stalking her, as she needed to seek court protection, which the elders had failed to do. Even the Society got involved by sending their lawyer on behalf of this wicked man. The sister was granted by the court a restraining order against this elder, which meant she had to attend congregation meetings in a more distant Kingdom Hall. And the wicked elder? He is still serving in his congregation as such at this time of writing, never having been removed. Do such wicked men honestly believe that Jehovah is indifferent to all of this, and he doesn't see what is happening to his vulnerable sheep? In the past, Jehovah warned his people: "You must not mistreat any widow or fatherless child. If you do mistreat them, they will no doubt cry to Me, and I will certainly hear their cry. My anger will burn, and I will kill you with the sword; then your wives will be widows and your children fatherless." (Exodus 22:22-24, HCSB)

All of what we are becoming aware of as happening within the many congregations is part of the "revealing," or exposing, of the "man of lawlessness." It is making the International News, with the point often being made that the criminal was a Jehovah's witness. (See "http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2160605/Candance-Conti-molested-Jehovahs-Witnesses-member-age-NINE-wins-28milion.html".
DAILYMAIL, 17 June 2012 | UPDATED: 15:28 GMT, 18 June 2012.)

We know that our caring Father not only sees our suffering, but he actually foretold it and the inevitable outcome. Where do we stand in our attitude when we become aware of these things? Are we "sighing and groaning," or do we actually "love it" the way things are, seeing no need for Jehovah to intervene? (Ezek. 9:4,6; Jer. 5:31; Zeph. 1:12,13) How we respond to all this determines in the end whether or not we will be among those who are protected through the coming great tribulation. (Rev. 7:9, 14) For the past six thousand years Jehovah has had to look on and witness all the suffering that mankind has inflicted upon each other; even among his own people. (Eccl. 8:9) Just imagine what a relief it will be for him, and all who now suffer and love righteousness, when very soon his time comes to remove all the wicked ones; and he can look upon his entire creation and finally pronounce it as "very good." (Gen. 1:26-31; Psalms 37:37,38) We, who love Jehovah, must continue to trust in him, and be patient just a little while longer.

